E-Banking in Pakistan


  • Rabia Najaf
  • Khakan Najaf
  • Bilal Aziz Pasowal


Pakistan, E banking, era, ICICI, State bank, Cyber crimes


The main objective of this study is importance of E banking in Pakistan .In the banking industry E banking is an important sector .E banking has bought very huge changes in the Pakistan banking system .The scope of E banking in developing and under developing country is due to its low cost and time saving, which has proved by using primary data in this study. The primary data used because we want to know how to please of customers from electronic banking products The primary data used because we want to know how to please of customers from electronic banking products’ banking is an innerved system that allows the customers to in touch with their accounts by using mobile device etc .The aim of this study is focus on impact of E banking in Pakistan. In this era, the life of every persons is affecting by this technology .Around the world E banking is getting popular day by day  .There are many countries who are utilization this technology like Pakistan .In this study focus on the performance of E banking .Almost 70% banks are shifted to  non-internet banking to internet banking .The core function of this transfer  is due to low cost .In this paper discuses about that  ICICI is the world famous internet bank in world and from last 20 years progress of E banking . Banks in Pakistan are controlled by State Bank of Pakistan. It is one of oldest bank in Pakistan which was formerly named as Reserve Bank of India before 1947. E banking is a key driver for the changing the world at a staggering rate’s banking is said to be truly global phenomenon that has made truncations are very easy .In this study two angles are discuse1) impact of strategic activity 2) discuss about that the influence of perceived risk in information technology .E banking is a latest technology in this era .According to world bank survey in 2001, the development of E banking in developing country is near about 6%. E banking means banks in pocket .With the usage on internet we can assess our account at any place. In 90s different enterpriser start use of E banking .In Pakistan near about 9% people use this technology.

In the electronic transaction, crimes have been increased day by day so electronic bank needs to maintain and retain customer to give protection. We defined some variables above which would impact on customer satisfaction. Major variables are the electronic banking products, cyber-crimes and availability of internet access, security in information transaction. Banks should provide unique passwords and maintain high profile security.  This will help to maintain unauthorized access to the user’s account.


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How to Cite

Najaf, R., Najaf, K., & Aziz Pasowal, B. (2014). E-Banking in Pakistan. American Scientific Research Journal for Engineering, Technology, and Sciences, 10(1), 74–84. Retrieved from https://asrjetsjournal.org/index.php/American_Scientific_Journal/article/view/689