Call for papers - 2024 - ASRJETS

Call for Papers – July – 2024

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Submit your Paper for peer review 


(We Accept Full-Papers Written in ENGLISH only)

Impact Factor: 0.57

Deadline for Paper Submissions is July 2024: July 28, 2024 end at 23:00 PM GMT.

Date of Publication: Accepted manuscripts will be published within 2-5 days after acceptance in July issue

Paper Acceptance/Rejection Notification:  within 4 Weeks 

Accepted papers will be published online ISSN (Online) and printed ISSN (Print) 

kindly Click the following link to get indexing list.

Click the following link for the Topics Covered by the Journal 

Low cost paper publication (each paper will cost 105 USD).

For all details About the Journal CLICK HERE


Submissions are also allowed by Email:


BENEFITS FOR AUTHORS WHEN PUBLISHING THEIR ARTICLES WITH American Academic Scientific Research Journal for Engineering, Technology, and Sciences:

  • Fast, and Easy publication Process. Kindly check the journal’s Peer Review Process.
  • Indexing in Ulrich's Database and in Google Scholar as well as in more than 50+ Indexinglisting, and abstracting partners. kindly Click the following link to get indexing list.
  • The Journal provides free "Soft Copy of paper" to Authors; this copy can be downloaded directly from the journal’s site immediately after publication.
  • All authors can access their (lifetime accounts) to Print articles, read Indexing metadata, use the citation tools, download Supplementary files for certain articles, Finding References, Email articles directly, Email the authors, receive updates, receive news feeds, and Post a Comment.
  • All authors can get free "Electronic Certificate of Publication for Free" for their published papers upon request.
  • All Papers are published online as well as in Hard copy of journal (hard copies for the published papers are available upon author request for extra fees). 
  • The Journal provides "Soft Copy of paper" to Authors; this copy can be downloaded directly from the journal’s site.
  • The Journal provides “Free Soft Copy of the Journal Cover for Printing”. Authors can download this cover from here.
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Deadline for Paper Submissions is July 2024: July 28, 2024 end at 23:00 PM GMT.

Submission is open for July 2024: July 01, 2024 starting from 01:00 AM GMT. 

Paper status notification:   4 -21 days (for July 2024 CURRENT VOLUME)

Publication Due: 3 days after registration (for July 2024 CURRENT VOLUME)

Camera Ready Due (After acceptance): 1-7 days to avoid any delays in publishing the author's paper


  1. Submitted manuscripts must be formatted according to the camera-ready format using the template that can be downloaded from here.
  2. Papers must be submitted as MS Word format via the online open journal system (
  3. The manuscripts should not exceed  20 pages unless the authors are willing to pay extra charge at the time of publication.
  4. Submitted papers should not be previously published in or be under consideration for publication in another conference or journal.
  5. The Editorial Board reserves the right to not review papers that either exceed the length or have been submitted or published elsewhere.
  6. Submissions must prepared using the following structure:  abstract, key words, introduction, materials and methods, results, conclusions, References. Before you submit a manuscript to the journal please ensure you have read the Author's Guidelines.

Kindly download and share this call for papers page:


Deadline : The deadline for the short papers as well as for the Long papers is always extendable; this means that the submission is open in all months :


Submission Days


submission is open all the time


submission is open all the time


submission is open all the time


submission is open all the time


submission is open all the time


submission is open all the time


submission is open all the time


submission is open all the time


submission is open all the time


submission is open all the time


submission is open all the time


submission is open all the time




  Recommended High Quality Publishing journals:

This Part contain high quality journals (each journal has ISSN, and widely Indexed); you can submit your paper (Written in English Language) directly to the journals by clicking the "submit your paper" statement next to each journal. The review process for those journals is within 4 Weeks; the online publication fees  105 USD (no extra fees are required from the authors).


Journal's Website

Scope (Topics Covered)

Journal's Call For Papers 

Online Submission System

1) International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR) Multidisplinary Journal (All Topics Included)  Call For Papers - January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November and  January: 2024


International Journal of Formal Sciences: Current and Future Research Trends

Click to view the journal's scope


International Journal of Social Sciences: Current and Future Research Trends

Click to view the journal's scope


International Journal of Natural Sciences: Current and Future Research Trends

Click to view the journal's scope


International Journal of Applied Sciences: Current and Future Research Trends

Click to view the journal's scope


International Journal of Computer

Click to view the journal's scope

7) American Scientific Research Journal for Engineering, Technology, and Sciences Multidisplinary Journal (All Topics Included)