Burnout Levels among Professional Counselors in Butabika and Mulago National Referral Hospitals in Uganda


  • AMIR KABUNGA Mount Kenya University
  • Muya Francis Kihoro
  • Njuguna Jane M
  • Njuguna Christina N.
  • Nginya Mary W.


Burnout, Professional Counselors, Butabika, Mulago, Uganda


Counseling profession places unique demands on care-providers and has negative consequences. This study explored prevalence of burnout and its preventive measures among professional counselors in Butabika and Mulago national referral hospitals in Uganda using the Professional Quality of Life-IV (proQOL-IV) questionnaire to determine levels of burnout. A total of ten research questions were used to determine common strategies employed by counselors in mitigating burnout. A cross sectional descriptive study was adopted and simple random sampling was used to select a sample of 123 respondents. The results showed that70% and 68% of counselors had developed burnout in Butabika and Mulago respectively. It was found out that the most effective strategies for mitigating burnout include; attending workshops, social support, travelling, going on vacations, hobbies, social skills, relaxation, spirituality and supervision. The study recommended that a combination of organizational and individual strategies is necessary to prevent burnout.

Author Biography

AMIR KABUNGA, Mount Kenya University

Department of psychilogy


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How to Cite

KABUNGA, A., Kihoro, M. F., Jane M, N., Christina N., N., & Mary W., N. (2015). Burnout Levels among Professional Counselors in Butabika and Mulago National Referral Hospitals in Uganda. American Scientific Research Journal for Engineering, Technology, and Sciences, 11(1), 96–103. Retrieved from https://asrjetsjournal.org/index.php/American_Scientific_Journal/article/view/582