The Foreign Security Policy in Africa: France in Sahel Region
Africa, France, G5 Sahel, Security, and Terrorism.Abstract
The security issue has taken another dimension in Africa. Setting apart the input of different conflicts and civil wars to its downfall, terrorism and extremists’ activities in the continent have made its security issue out of control of its political elites .The evolution of the international security paradigm generated by the 9/11 terrorist attacks has led to the involvement of new international actors in the continent, in particular the Sahel region. France, one of these actors, has contributed greatly in saving, rebuilding and reshaping the security in the continent. What is its security policy in the G5 Sahel region? The present paper analyses, through the qualitative research methods, the France security policy in G5 Sahel. The work points out that, despite, the good intention behind this policy, it does not guarantee full security autonomy to the African regional armed forces and recommend few alternative ways African can employ to regain the total security control in the region.
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