Analysis of Skills Needs in Repair Welding of Low-Alloy, High Tensile Steels Using the Manual Metal Arc Welding (MMAW) Process


  • Munkaila Alhassan A Department of Welding and Fabrication, Tamale Technical University (TaTU), Tamale, Ghana West Africa
  • Yussif Bashiru Department of Welding and Fabrication, Tamale Technical University (TaTU), Tamale, Ghana West Africa


Electrode, Low-Alloy High tensile Steel, Manual Metal Arc Welding (MMAW), Repair Welding, Skills Gap, Tamale Metropolis.


There is actually critical skills gap in repair welding of low-alloy, high tensile steels among welding craftsmen within the Tamale metropolis. A skills gap is perceived to be the difference between the skills needed and the skills already acquired. This study seeks to analyze the skills gap in the repair welding of low-alloy, high tensile steels component parts in the informal sector within the metropolis, especially when using the MMAW process. A total of 120 questionnaires including structured interview were then administered to welding craftsmen. However, 111questionnaire were returned, representing a response rate of 92.5%. Welders perceive that a lot of repair welding is present in both automotive and structural steel industries (87.7%). The study was posed to determine whether welders were able to make the right choice of electrode for low-alloy steel welding. Also to find out whether level of education of the welder or age in the profession influences one’s ability to weld low-alloy steel successfully. The study revealed that those who could not identify the right electrode for low-alloy steel welding were at the higher side. The inferential statistics output indicated that quality of weld is independent of level of education, likewise age in the welding profession. It is therefore recommended that artisanal training be organized for welding craftsmen within the metropolis in order to address this critical gap.  Education institutions could take up this challenge to ensure that they offer the requisite skills to this category of welders who had not passed through technical education. It is also recommendable to ensure that repair welding of alloy steels in its entirety be given a place in the technical curriculum.


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How to Cite

Alhassan A, M., & Bashiru, Y. (2018). Analysis of Skills Needs in Repair Welding of Low-Alloy, High Tensile Steels Using the Manual Metal Arc Welding (MMAW) Process. American Scientific Research Journal for Engineering, Technology, and Sciences, 47(1), 39–54. Retrieved from


