Factors Influencing District Health Information Software Version 2 Success – A Case of the Greater Bushenyi Districts, Uganda
DHIS2, Information Systems Success, Health Information systems, DeLeone & McLean, Greater Bushenyi Districts, Uganda.Abstract
Evaluating success factors of District Health information software version2 (DHIS2) is an essential in the field of information systems in a developing country context. DHIS2is vital for Uganda health care system particularly for monitoring sustainable development goals and thus facilitating public health decision making, health sector reviews, planning, resource allocation. From the literature reviewed the desire to determine the variables that measure the success factors for information Systems continues. Despite, the studies, in the developing countries context like Uganda, there are few and with inadequate criteria to evaluate the DHIS2 success factors. This study aims at identifying success factors in relation to the theoretical framework of DeLeon and MacLean model 2003. Considerations for Resource supply, Education and training and Management support are key for the success of the District Health information Software Version2 in the five districts of the greater Bushenyi Districts- Uganda in developing country perspective.
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