Bridging the Gap Between Stakeholder and Software Products: A Review of Software Requirement Engineering Techniques
software, Requirement Engineering, Software Products, StakeholdersAbstract
Effective software requirement engineering plays a crucial role in bridging the gap between stakeholders and software products. The success of any software project heavily relies on accurately capturing, analyzing, and documenting stakeholders' needs and expectations. This article provides a comprehensive review of various software requirement engineering techniques that facilitate the alignment of stakeholder requirements with software product development. Software requirements are extracted from a variety of stakeholders, but the decision of "what to develop" is a difficult one. Stakeholders' lack of clarity about what they want makes requirement elicitation a difficult and vital task. It explores the significance of understanding stakeholders' perspectives, discusses popular requirement engineering approaches, and highlights their strengths and limitations. The article concludes by emphasizing the importance of selecting appropriate requirement engineering techniques based on the project's context and offers recommendations for future research in this domain.
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