Effect of Organic Matter on Growth of Arabica Coffe (Coffea Arabica) Variety
Organic Matter, Growth, Arabica coffee varietyAbstract
The research was conducted in Maliana, Bobonaro District, Timor Lest to evaluate the effect of using organic matter on the growth of Arabica coffee varieties. The experiment was laid out in a completely randomized design (CRD) with four treatments and three replications. The variables observed were the height of the plant, diameter of the stem, number of leaves, length of root, weight of fresh biological yield, and weight of dry biological yield. The results showed significant differences in agronomic traits in plant height, stem diameter, fresh weight of biological yield and root length. However, we did not detect any difference in the number of leaves or the dry biological yield. The addition of cow manure gave higher yields than ground coffee and wood powder and did not provide organic matter. The application of cow manure resulted in higher yields than the other treatments for all variables, successively plant height (24.63 cm), stem diameter (0.34 cm), number of leaves (12.45 sheet), fresh weight of biological yield (24.36 gr), dry weight of biological yield (12.67 gr) and root length (22.95 cm).
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