Distributed Leadership Practices of Principals in Government Secondary Schools of East Shewa Zone
distributed leadership , principals, and leadership practicesAbstract
The principal objective of this study was to assess the extent to which principals practice distributed leadership in government secondary schools in the East Shewa Zone. Pragmatic worldview guided the study. The study used quantitative approach. The population of the study includes secondary schools working in the Zone. Seven secondary schools were chosen as a sample using simple random sampling. 239 teachers, 14 department heads, and 7 supervisors were chosen as a sample using stratified and availability sampling, respectively. Questionnaires and documents were used to collect the data. Data analysis utilized descriptive statistics, nonparametric statistics, and ordinal regression. The findings indicated a low level of distributed leadership practice. It is recommended that: secondary school principals make effort to understand new leadership practices; Education Offices support secondary schools; the Regional Education Bureau supports principals and education officials; and the Ministry of Education checks the curriculum used for secondary school principals' training.
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