Valuation of Startups Focused on Circular Economy: The Therpol Case


  • Rodrigo Tetti Garcia FIA Business School, Av. Doutora Ruth Cardoso, 7221, São Paulo 05425-902, Brazil
  • Claudio Alves dos Santos FIA Business School, Av. Doutora Ruth Cardoso, 7221, São Paulo 05425-902, Brazil
  • Aline Basani FIA Business School, Av. Doutora Ruth Cardoso, 7221, São Paulo 05425-902, Brazil
  • Rodolfo Leandro de Faria Olivo FIA Business School, Av. Doutora Ruth Cardoso, 7221, São Paulo 05425-902, Brazil


Valuation of Companies, Recycling, Natural Plastic


This study aims to valuate Therpol company which consists in a natural additive that makes it possible to transform rubber and plastic into renewable materials by using raw material of vegetable origin, the rubber tree. Therpol has local production capacity, or in other countries, in large scale. Up to the conclusion of this study, it was not known all Therpol application possibilities in the industry. The uncertainties contained in the valuation of the proposed scenarios are the greatest challenge of this work which presents three valuation methods of the company value, as discounted cash flow, multiples of variables and real options.  Considering that the valuated company is of high intangible value, the analyses assess uncertain opportunities of future growth, this factor was not considered in the valuation of the company in this study. The strengthening of the brand Therpol is a fundamental factor for the company value increase.  


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How to Cite

Garcia, R. T., Santos, C. A. dos, Basani, A., & Olivo, R. L. de F. (2023). Valuation of Startups Focused on Circular Economy: The Therpol Case. American Scientific Research Journal for Engineering, Technology, and Sciences, 92(1), 91–107. Retrieved from


