Agile Testing for Blockchain Development QA


  • Ganesh Gatla 480 Meadowhill Drive, Alpharetta, GA, USA
  • Kanchan Gatla 25004 striped maple drive, Aldie, VA, USA
  • Balaji Vishwanath Gatla 1215 Yarrow Street, Stallings, NC, USA


Agile testing, blockchain development, blockchain QA


Agile testing has evolved into a commonly employed practice in most development disciplines. It has been around as long as the agile manifesto and has developed all the hallmarks of a mature set of practices, i.e., tools, metrics, techniques, etc. But its overlap with blockchain is something that has yet to reach the maturity of either – agile testing or blockchain development. The QA for blockchain development hasn’t been standardized in the same manner as the QA for web development and other areas of software development, even newer ones like cloud-native development. Agile testing leans heavily towards automation, Artificial Intelligence (AI), and Machine Learning (ML) and can benefit from collective or separate advances in the three technologies. But these technologies, regardless of their influence on blockchain development and its QA, cannot become the bridge connecting the two. Blockchain development QA suffers from a significant lack of standardization and a unified set of good practices, and this hinders its ability to adapt agile testing practices into the existing paradigm. However, as blockchain development is adopted by agile teams and its QA becomes more standardized, we may see more overlap between agile testing and blockchain development QA.


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How to Cite

Ganesh Gatla, Kanchan Gatla, & Balaji Vishwanath Gatla. (2023). Agile Testing for Blockchain Development QA. American Scientific Research Journal for Engineering, Technology, and Sciences, 91(1), 9–16. Retrieved from


