Onto4CAAL: An Ontology to Support Requirements Specification in the Development of AAL (Ambient Assisted Living) Systems
Compliance, Requirements Specification, Ontology, AAL SystemsAbstract
The Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) is a technological approach that emerged to meet the demands of the elderly and people with disabilities. As they are considered complex and multidisciplinary systems, it is necessary to identify and define which modules need to compose these systems. Among the challenges found in the development of the AAL systems are the alignment with functional and/or non-functional requirements and the compliance with ethical, legal, social, medical and technical restrictions that guide these types of systems. Therefore, this work presents a core ontology (Onto4CAAL) to support the specification of requirements in AAL systems, where the elements that are part of the system type are integrated. Using this ontology, it was possible to develop a domain ontology (Onto4Elev) for Vertical Lift Platforms, where a validation was carried out with the industry in relation to the elements that constitute it and, later, a scenario was built for the application simulation and verification. With the use of ontology, it will be possible to standardize the understanding of the associated terms and, at the same time, to verify the relationship among the elements, helping the designer in the decision making.
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