Type and Technical, Allocative and Economic Efficiencies in Agricultural Production: The Case of Women Market Gardeners in the Ouémé Valley in Southern Benin
efficiencies, stochastic boundaries, Cobb-Douglas function, market gardening, Ouémé ValleyAbstract
The objective of this study is to analyse the technical, allocative and economic efficiencies in the market gardening production in the Ouémé Valley, southern Benin. To this end, a descriptive and analytical study was carried out on a sample of 472 randomly selected market gardeners in the Ouémé Valley, distributed in Dangbo, Adjohoun, Bonou and Aguégués.
The technical and economic efficiency scores were estimated, respectively, using stochastic frontier models of the Cobb-Douglas type and a dual cost function. The Tobit regression model was used to identify the factors determining the economic efficiency of women producers. The results show that female market gardeners are on average technically efficient. However, the results from the production and cost frontiers indicate the presence of technical and allocative inefficiencies within the production units. The estimated technical, allocative and economic efficiency scores are on average 0.921, 0.893 and 0.823 respectively. Finally, the estimation of the determinants of efficiency showed that age, area and farm labour are the main determinants of economic efficiency of market gardeners in the Ouémé valley. Based on the results obtained, it is important to improve the efficiency of market gardeners and thus increase their profits through a policy of light mechanisation of the activity and the strengthening of technical support for the organisation of women producers.
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