Human Resource Management Process and Implementation of Electronic Teacher Appraisal and Development Programme in Public Primary Schools
Human resource management planning, human resource acquisition, human resource management, implementation of e-TPAD programmeAbstract
Teachers are seen as change agents in the development of knowledge, skills and attitude, and are required to develop professionally throughout their life in a sustainable manner. The purpose of the study was to assess how human resource management process influenced implementation of e-TPAD programme; The research employed descriptive survey and correlational research design. The target population of 411 comprising of all 400 teachers in Kisasi sub-county, 11 education officers (3 CSOs, 3 County education staff, and 5 headquarter staff) who were closely involved in implementation of e-TPAD programme. A sample size of 211 comprising of 200 teachers selected using stratified random sampling and proportionate approach and 11 education officers identified using census survey. Questionnaire, interview guide and document analysis were the main tools employed to gather data, which were piloted to ensure they were reliable and valid. Collected data was analyzed by use of SPSS where both descriptive and inferential statistical techniques were used. Frequencies, Means and Standard Deviations presented the descriptive statistics while inferential statistical tests were presented using Pearson Product Moment Correlational Coefficient and regression analyses. Pearson Product Moment Correlational Coefficient was applied to test null hypothesis was tested using. The results indicated r=.376; r2=.142; B=.259; F(1,186)= 30.712; t=5.542, at p=0.000<0.05, implying there was a statistical significant relationship between HRM process and implementation of e-TPAD programme at 95% confidence level and therefore the null hypothesis was rejected. Based on the findings it is therefore recommended that, for implementation to be fast tracked and succeed, proper human resource management planning, acquisition and well team management should be considered at the initial stages of the project.
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