Fluid Dynamics Analysis and Fire Evacuation through Computer Simulation: A Case Study
Fire protection, PyroSim, Pathfinder, Occupational safety and healthAbstract
Accidents caused by fires are harmful to both property and human life, causing most of the events to result in disasters. As an aid method for fire and panic protection and combat projects, fluid dynamics and building abandonment simulation software can be used, which can suggest re-dimensioning of accesses and active and passive protection systems, to mitigate structural damage and improve protection for users. In this context, the present research aimed to simulate the propagation of smoke and the abandonment of the Occupational Safety and Hygiene Laboratory (LSHT), using the PyroSim software, related to fluid dynamics analysis, and Pathfinder, related to evacuation dynamics. To this end, the research followed the following steps: literature review; 3D modeling of the LSHT, as well as the insertion of the materials present in the building, firing configurations, and then fire simulation through PyroSim; finally, the simulation of the evacuation of the occupants through the Pathfinder highest rate of thermal heat transfer through radiation. Regarding the results of computer program; and data analysis. The results show that during the 600s simulation, the smoke spread through all environments of the LSHT, reaching a temperature of 240.04ºC at the end of the simulation, with the evacuation simulator, it was verified that the individuals vacated the environments in only 36.5s. Regarding the results of the evacuation simulator, it was found that the individuals vacated the environments only 36.5s. Within the abandonment time, they have not reached levels that could compromise the survival of the occupants.
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