Spatial Distribution of Marine Debris in Jakarta's bay Waters and the Seribu Islands with Maritime Security Concept


  • Nabilah Rizqia Ramadhanty National Security of Indonesia Defence University, Aquatic Resource Management of Jakarta Technical University of Fisheries.
  • Widodo National Security of Indonesia Defence University
  • Rudiyanto National Security of Indonesia Defence University
  • Ratna Suharti Aquatic Resource Management of Jakarta Technical University of Fisheries
  • Hendra Irawan Aquatic Resource Management of Jakarta Technical University of Fisheries
  • Mira Maulita Aquatic Resource Management of Jakarta Technical University of Fisheries
  • Sarifah Aini International Partnership Office of Jakarta Technical University of Fisheries
  • Angkasa Putra International Partnership Office of Jakarta Technical University of Fisheries
  • Kristijarso National Security of Indonesia Defence University
  • Putra Arisandi Aquatic Resource Management of Jakarta Technical University of Fisheries


Marine Debris, Jakarta Bay, Thousand Islands


Marine debris is a waste that comes from the land, water and coastal flow into the sea or waste derived from the activities in the sea. This is a big problem around the world. This research is aimed to knowing the types, the sizes, the mass and spread of marine debris carried out on the three beaches of DKI Jakarta and four beaches in the Thousand Islands in August to October 2018. Data collection method used are primary and secondary data. Primary data of field surveys, visual, direct observation (retrieval, collection and weighing). Secondary data of retrieval in relevant agencies about currents, winds and tides. The concept of maritime security contains four elements namely maritime power, maritime security, blue economy, and human security. The blue economy is focused on the pollution in the sea. Therefore, the importance of assessing the distribution of waste in the sea to control pollution at sea is not getting worse. Based on the size of the most widely found is a macro as many as 1120 pieces, wastes found at each station is 576 pieces kind of plastic and 63 pieces of other categories. The highest weights of 23.76 kg is the other category and the lowest of 0.195 kg is a type of metal. The spread of marine debris in the waters of Jakarta bay and Thousand Islands with wind from the east and the current to the northeast (South China Sea) from the southeast (Flores Sea) passing through the Java Sea which dominates plastic is a marine debris with a 48% percentage. One of the management of plastic waste into items that can be used is creating Ecobrick.


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How to Cite

Ramadhanty, N. R., Widodo, Rudiyanto, Ratna Suharti, Hendra Irawan, Mira Maulita, Sarifah Aini, Angkasa Putra, Kristijarso, & Putra Arisandi. (2021). Spatial Distribution of Marine Debris in Jakarta’s bay Waters and the Seribu Islands with Maritime Security Concept. American Scientific Research Journal for Engineering, Technology, and Sciences, 84(1), 175–186. Retrieved from


