An Anti-Cheating System for Online Interviews and Exams
Cheating detection, Face detection, Object detection, Face tracking, Video processingAbstract
Remote examination and job interviews have gained popularity and become indispensable because of both pandemics and the advantage of remote working circumstances. Most businesses and educational organizations use these platforms for recruitment as well as online exams. However, one of the critical problems of the remote examination systems is conducting the exams in a reliable environment. In this work, we present a cheating analysis pipeline for online interviews and exams. The system only requires a video of the candidate, which is recorded during the exam by using a webcam without a need for any extra tool. Then cheating detection pipeline is employed to detect the presence of another person, electronic device usage, and candidate absence status. The pipeline consists of face detection, face recognition, object detection, and face tracking algorithms. To evaluate the performance of the pipeline we collected a private video dataset. The video dataset includes both cheating activities and clean videos. Ultimately, our pipeline presents an efficient and fast guideline for detecting and analyzing cheating actions in an online interview and exam video.
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