The (non) Implementation of the PNE and its Impact on Economic, Social and Technological Innovation Development in Brazil


  • Cleverson Molinari Mello PhD, Teacher of the Interdisciplinary Master's Program Society and Development - State University of Paraná - Brazil
  • Pedro Leão da Costa Neto PhD, Teacher of the Master's and Doctorate Program in Education - Tuiuti University of Paraná - Brazil


Education, Plans, Development, Innovation


The present study aimed to analyze the 20 goals of the PNE (acronym for Brazilian Plan for Education in Portuguese) in force in Brazil until 2024. To date, only one goal has been met, number 13, that refers to the certification of higher education academics. The failure to meet these goals - especially those related education funding - means to put at risk the PNE and the actions aimed at Brazilian education for the period. The negative impact is to be perceived in medium and long term, hindering the progress of economic and social development and technological innovation.


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How to Cite

Mello, C. M. ., & Neto , P. L. da C. . (2021). The (non) Implementation of the PNE and its Impact on Economic, Social and Technological Innovation Development in Brazil. American Scientific Research Journal for Engineering, Technology, and Sciences, 80(1), 52–57. Retrieved from


