Research: What Underpins the Teaching Action?


  • David de Castro Fonseca Mackenzie Presbiterian University, Consolação street, 930, São Paulo, Cep:01302-907, SP, Brazil;
  • Washington Tadeu Santos Queiroz Mackenzie Presbiterian University, Consolação street, 930, São Paulo, Cep:01302-907, SP, Brazil;
  • Anderson Tadeu Furlanetto Mackenzie Presbiterian University, Consolação street, 930, São Paulo, Cep:01302-907, SP, Brazil;
  • Camila Geórgia de Moraes Mackenzie Presbiterian University, Consolação street, 930, São Paulo, Cep:01302-907, SP, Brazil;
  • Marcia Regina Corrêa Catholic Pontifical University - PUC, R. Monte Alegre, 984 - Perdizes, São Paulo, Cep:05014-901, SP, Brazil;
  • Edson Elido Adão Mackenzie Presbiterian University, Consolação street, 930, São Paulo, Cep:01302-907, SP, Brazil;
  • Cesar Augusto Bana University of São Judas Tadeu, Av. Vital Brazil, 1000 - Butantã, São Paulo, Cep:05503-001, SP, Brazil;
  • Denis Rodrigo Garces Lopes University of São Caetano do Sul, São Caetano do Sul - SP, São Paulo, Cep: 09521-160, SP, Brazil;
  • Fernanda Cristina Pereira Anhembi Morumbi University, R. Jaceru, 247 - Morumbi, São Paulo, Cep: 04705-00, SP, Brazil


education, professionalization, learning and training


The purpose of this article is to analyze the main ideas and convergences in research used and debates among authors and experts who have dedicated themselves to teacher education, as well as to understand how they teach and learn before and after the approaches presented here. This article is divided into two parts: in the first, a synthesis of the main discussions about the ideas of teacher education in Brazil, and the world is presented. The second discusses the challenges and possibilities posed as results presented from the analysis of the teachers interviewed. It seems unquestionable that the changes in the structure of Brazilian education required a pedagogical project for the training and professionalization of teachers, in line with the intended changes in education. However, it is fundamental that the intervention raises the levels of consciousness, autonomy, and criticality of individuals, to follow them to a path of transformation, equipped with reflection, about their practices: the human praxis.


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How to Cite

Fonseca, D. de C. ., Queiroz, W. T. S. ., Furlanetto, A. T. ., de Moraes, C. G. ., Corrêa, M. R. ., Adão, E. E. ., Bana, C. A. ., Lopes, D. R. G. ., & Pereira, F. C. . (2021). Research: What Underpins the Teaching Action?. American Scientific Research Journal for Engineering, Technology, and Sciences, 78(1), 188–199. Retrieved from


