Hourly Economic Dispatch of Generation Sources Considering the Minimization of Active losses and Generation Costs


  • Flávio Santos de Souza Federal University of ABC, Av. dos Estados, 5001 - Bangu, Santo Andre, 09210-580, Brazil
  • Thales Sousa Federal University of ABC, Av. dos Estados, 5001 - Bangu, Santo Andre, 09210-580, Brazil
  • Eduardo Werley S. Ângelos Federal University of ABC, Av. dos Estados, 5001 - Bangu, Santo Andre, 09210-580, Brazil


Active power losses, economic dispatch, generation costs, generation sources


The increase of renewable sources in the electricity sector, especially wind and solar photovoltaic, has drawn attention to the need to develop new models for planning and operating the electrical system. In this sense, this paper presents a model for the hourly economic dispatch of electric energy produced by wind, hydraulic, solar, and thermal sources. For the proposed mathematical modeling, the AMPL software was used, and for solution, the Interior Point Method was used, with the Knitro solver. The simulations were carried out in an IEEE 30-bus test system, considering two objective functions, namely: (1) hourly minimization of active power losses and (2) hourly minimization of generation costs. The simulations were carried out for 24 hours a day and for each hour the amount of energy generated, energy losses and generation costs were determined. Constraints related to the power balance, bus voltage levels, transformer tap limits, power factor limits and generation limitations were considered. Regarding the generation data of the wind and solar plants, large plants connected to the Brazilian electrical system were considered. The model presented proved to be efficient in solving the problem presented.


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How to Cite

Souza , F. S. de ., Sousa, T. ., & S. Ângelos , E. W. . (2020). Hourly Economic Dispatch of Generation Sources Considering the Minimization of Active losses and Generation Costs. American Scientific Research Journal for Engineering, Technology, and Sciences, 73(1), 163–176. Retrieved from https://asrjetsjournal.org/index.php/American_Scientific_Journal/article/view/6365


