A High-Precision and Low-Cost Dew Point Equipment with Fuzzy Control System


  • Peterson Belan aInformatics and Knowledge Management Graduate Program, Nove de Julho University – UNINOVE, São Paulo, Brazil
  • Douglas H. M. dos Santos aInformatics and Knowledge Management Graduate Program, Nove de Julho University – UNINOVE, São Paulo, Brazil


Dew Point, Chilled Mirror, Absolute Air Humidity, Peltier module, Fuzzy Control System


The control of environmental conditions in some sectors of the industry is essential since the variation of these parameters can influence the quality of the manufactured product. For this, it is necessary to use measuring equipment with high precision, and when referring to the measurement of relative humidity, the dew point meter is indispensable. The chilled mirror method for measure °Cdp is the one of the most accurate that exists in the market, but these devices typically are high cost, hampering access to small businesses. The chilled mirror method basically consists of a PID (Proportional Integral Derivative) control of the temperature of a Peltier module based on the reading of the light intensity generated from the reflection of a light source. In this context, the proposal of this work is to develop a high precision and low cost device, operating in the range of -20 to 20°Cdp, replacing the traditional PID control by a Fuzzy control system, providing better accuracy in control, thus making a viable product mainly for small and medium-sized companies. The results presented show the feasibility of the proposal of this work, obtaining 98.9% accurate readings when compared with a reference equipment, and a maximum deviation observed was of 0.02°Cdp, thus proving its precision. Another point to note is the low cost of the equipment, approximately US$ 120.00, thus reaching the proposed objective.


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How to Cite

Belan , P. ., & M. dos Santos , D. H. . (2020). A High-Precision and Low-Cost Dew Point Equipment with Fuzzy Control System. American Scientific Research Journal for Engineering, Technology, and Sciences, 73(1), 177–185. Retrieved from https://asrjetsjournal.org/index.php/American_Scientific_Journal/article/view/6355


