Implementing a Static Cone Penetration Test in Infrastructure Works


  • Ioannis Baloukas Technical Chamber of Greece
  • Nikolaos Alamanis General Department of Larissa, University of Thessaly, Larissa, 41500, Larissa, Greece
  • Grigorios Papageorgiou General Department of Larissa, University of Thessaly, Larissa, 41500, Larissa, Greece
  • Charilaos Karipidis General Department of Larissa, University of Thessaly, Larissa, 41500, Larissa, Greece
  • Philotheos Lokkas Emeritus Professor, University of Thessaly, Larissa, 41500, Larissa, Greece
  • Nikolaos Xafoulis Laboratory of Ecohydraulics & Inland Water Management, Department of Ichthyology & Aquatic Environment, University of Thessaly, 38446, Nea Ionia Magnisias, Greece.
  • Ioannis Chouliaras General Department of Larissa, University of Thessaly, Larissa, 41500, Larissa, Greece


Geotechnical investigation, infrastructure planning, pump room, retaining structure, sheet piles, site investigation


In modern era, a construction of infrastructure projects necessitates a geotechnical investigation, which usually involves the execution of boreholes and laboratory testing on their samples as well as in-situ testing. A useful test, important for both educational and practical reasons, is the Cone Penetration Test (CPT), used to estimate the strength and compressibility of loose-to-medium dense coarse grained and soft to stiff fine-grained geomaterials, the excavation of which requires special attention. In this paper, a theoretical review on geotechnical surveys, in-situ testing of static cone penetrometer, statistical analysis of results, geotechnical correlations for the evaluation of results along with a dimensioning of the retaining wall with pile boards, is presented. The paper aims at highlighting the use of CPT for selecting the proper type of the temporary retaining structure, necessary to support excavations in loose-soft soils. The case study includes a pump room construction along with its aqueduct, close to Aliakmonas River in Greece. From this point of view, it may offer a rather powerful research design basis than purely experimental methods.


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How to Cite

Baloukas, I. ., Alamanis, N. ., Papageorgiou, G. ., Karipidis, C. ., Lokkas, P. ., Xafoulis, N. ., & Chouliaras, I. . (2020). Implementing a Static Cone Penetration Test in Infrastructure Works. American Scientific Research Journal for Engineering, Technology, and Sciences, 72(1), 214–229. Retrieved from


