Determining the Optimal Sowing Frequency and Sowing Norm of Cereal Crops


  • D. Natroshvili
  • Maia Lomishvili PhD


Optimal frequency; The sowing norm; Distance between rows; Productivity


Anyone interested in growing crops ¬ knows that all crops need favorable conditions to get a good crop. In particular, the yield of cereal crops depends on many random factors, the complex consideration of which is associated with great difficulties.

Optimal plant distribution and grain crop nutrition conditions can only be achieved during sowing. The main calculation values ??of sowing of cereal crops are the determination of the optimal sowing frequency and the sowing norm per hectare. Through the nomogram given in the paper it is possible to determine the required number of plants in the open sowing trail depending on the distance between the given rows and the optimal plant frequency. There is also a nomogram defining the sowing norm, through which it is possible to determine the sowing norm of the desired crop by considering the absolute mass of the grain and its ability to emerge.


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How to Cite

Natroshvili , D., & Lomishvili, M. (2021). Determining the Optimal Sowing Frequency and Sowing Norm of Cereal Crops . American Scientific Research Journal for Engineering, Technology, and Sciences, 78(1), 73–82. Retrieved from


