Students’ Lack of Interest in Learning G.C.E Advanced Level (A/L) General English: Factors and Remedies. A Survey Research Based on G.C.E Advanced Level Students of T/Mu/Al Hilal Central College, Mutur, Trincomalee, Sri Lanka.
Advanced Level, Communicative Language Teaching Method, General Certificate of Education, General English, University Grants CommissionAbstract
This study aimed to identify the factors which contribute to the lack of interest of the students of T/Mu/Al Hilal Central College, Mutur, Trincomalee, Sri Lanka in learning GCE (Advanced Level) General English subject and to the gaining of lower results in General English in A/Level examination. Most of the students show their lack of interest to learn General English. Instead, they give more prominence to other main subjects in A/Level studies. As a result, students obtain lower results in General English in A/Level examination. This study was a survey research and a quantitative research. In this study, 25 GCE A/ Level (Grade 13 – Arts stream) students of T/Mu/Al Hilal Central College, Mutur, Trincomalee were randomly selected as the sample. The data were collected using a questionnaire which consists of both open-ended and close-ended questions. This instrument was used to collect the opinions among the students regarding the factors which contribute to the lack of interest. According to the data analysis, the results show that several factors such as giving prominence only to the main subjects, lack of English background, use of traditional classrooms and teaching methodologies, use of advanced textbooks, lack of positive motivation and crowded classroom contributed to students’ lack of interest and to the production of lower results in A/Level examination. This problem can be overcome when forming a separate language unit with modern classroom and facilities. Teachers should be advised to use Communicative Language Teaching Method. The University Grants Commission of Sri Lanka should implement circular that students should obtain at least Single pass (35 marks) in General English in Advanced Level examination to be selected for state universities. It can motivate them to study and get fine result in General English.
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