Detection, Transmission and Pathogenic Fungi in Chia Seeds


  • Rodrigo Ribeiro Fidelis Federal University of Tocantins, Farm 69-72 Street Badejos, Lot 7 s/n – Garden Sevilha, Gurupi, 77404-970, Tocantins, Brazil
  • Vanessa Batista dos Santos Postgraduate Coordinator in Plant Production, Federal University of Tocantins, Farms 69-72 Street Badejos, Lot 7 s/n - Jardim Seville, Gurupi, 77404-970, Tocantins, Brazil
  • Taynar Coelho de Oliveira Tavares Federal University of Tocantins, Farm 69-72 Street Badejos, Lot 7 s/n – Garden Sevilha, Gurupi, 77404-970, Tocantins, Brazil
  • Guillermo Arturo Herrera Chan Federal University of Tocantins, Farm 69-72 Street Badejos, Lot 7 s/n – Garden Sevilha, Gurupi, 77404-970, Tocantins, Brazil
  • Gil Rodrigues dos Santos Federal University of Tocantins, Farm 69-72 Street Badejos, Lot 7 s/n – Garden Sevilha, Gurupi, 77404-970, Tocantins, Brazil
  • Pedro Raymundo Arguellles Osorio Federal University of Tocantins, Farm 69-72 Street Badejos, Lot 7 s/n – Garden Sevilha, Gurupi, 77404-970, Tocantins, Brazil
  • Marilene Alves Ramos Dias Federal University of Tocantins, Farm 69-72 Street Badejos, Lot 7 s/n – Garden Sevilha, Gurupi, 77404-970, Tocantins, Brazil
  • Marília Barcelos Souza Lopes Federal University of Tocantins, Farm 69-72 Street Badejos, Lot 7 s/n – Garden Sevilha, Gurupi, 77404-970, Tocantins, Brazil
  • Damiana Beatriz da Silva Federal University of Tocantins, Farm 69-72 Street Badejos, Lot 7 s/n – Garden Sevilha, Gurupi, 77404-970, Tocantins, Brazil
  • Juliana Barilli Federal University of Tocantins, Farm 69-72 Street Badejos, Lot 7 s/n – Garden Sevilha, Gurupi, 77404-970, Tocantins, Brazil
  • Jaci de Souza Dias Federal University of Tocantins, Farm 69-72 Street Badejos, Lot 7 s/n – Garden Sevilha, Gurupi, 77404-970, Tocantins, Brazil
  • Ângela Franciely Machado Federal University of Tocantins, Farm 69-72 Street Badejos, Lot 7 s/n – Garden Sevilha, Gurupi, 77404-970, Tocantins, Brazil
  • Wanessa Rocha de Souza Federal University of Tocantins, Farm 69-72 Street Badejos, Lot 7 s/n – Garden Sevilha, Gurupi, 77404-970, Tocantins, Brazil
  • Daniel Fernando Salas Méndez University of Brasília - UnB, Brasília, 70910-900, Distrito Federal, Brazil


Salvia hispanica L, Sanitary quality, Seed pathology


This template is designed using the previous setting; kindly copy and paste your text to this template. The study related to seed pathology is essential to know the sanitary quality, since the presence of pathogens in favor of seed can spread disease, and physiological influence the quality of seeds, resulting in low germination. Thus, this study aimed to identify the detection, transmission, and pathogenicity of fungi associated with the seeds of chia. The work was conducted in the Phytopathology Laboratory and experimental area of the Federal University of Tocantins, chia seeds produced being evaluated in Gurupi (Brazil) and Katueté (Paraguay).

To check the sanitary quality of chia seed was used the method of the filter paper to the present lifting mycobiota which was subsequently isolated and cultured in a potato dextrose agar culture (BDA). For seed fungi, the transmission test to the plant was sowed 100 seeds of chia divided into four replicates of 25 seeds each. The seeds were sown in pots of 4 dm3 (four seeds per pot) evaluations were made to ten, twenty and thirty days after  emergence by observing the characteristic symptoms. The pathogenicity of fungi transported by the seed was evaluated by inoculation in the aerial part of seedlings. The fungi found associated with chia seeds were: Alternaria spp., Aspergillus spp., Bipolaris spp., Colletotrichum spp., Curvularia spp., Fusarium spp., Penicillium spp., Rhizoctonia spp, e Rhizopus spp. the fungus Colletotrichum spp. and Fusarium spp. They are transmitted to seedlings via seed. Genres Colletotrichum spp. and Fusarium spp. Are pathogenic to plants of chia.


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How to Cite

Fidelis, R. R. ., dos Santos, V. B. ., Tavares, T. C. de O. ., Chan, G. A. H. ., Santos, G. R. dos ., Osorio, P. R. A. ., Dias, M. A. R. ., Lopes, M. B. S. ., da Silva, D. B. ., Barilli, J. ., Dias, J. de S. ., Machado, Ângela F. ., de Souza, W. R. ., & Méndez, D. F. S. . (2020). Detection, Transmission and Pathogenic Fungi in Chia Seeds. American Scientific Research Journal for Engineering, Technology, and Sciences, 69(1), 140–148. Retrieved from


