The Development of Renewable Energy in Buildings in UAE


  • Riadh AL-Dabbagh Ajman, 346 Ajman UAE


 Low energy buildings Projects focuses on active houses, which are not only buildings, but active components in the overall integrated energy systems. The target is to demonstrate affordable solutions for social housing and revitalization of town areas. The solutions will reduce CO2 at no or negative cost seen in a total perspective. Targeted CO2 reduction cost, the reason is because UAE     having one of the largest carbon footprints on the planet, and it can be minus taking the benefits of lower energy bills into account, to even better figures when national grants are included. It is possible to simultaneously save COand money! Key barrier is the initial investment, few technologies are being developed in buildings such as photovoltaic building elements, dual function insulation, double glazed windows, and ICT solutions. demonstration projects were independent from each other, being designed to fulfil local energy needs and using local resources, there were many similarities between them. It’s not easy being green, at least in the UAE, where scorching summers make air conditioning as essential as the millions of gallons of desalinated seawater which keep most of the country’s plant life from turning brown and crispy. But while the region has a well-founded reputation for having one of the largest carbon footprints, a number of projects demonstrate how environmental principles are at the foundation of many of the country’s most exciting new developments.


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How to Cite

AL-Dabbagh, R. (2020). The Development of Renewable Energy in Buildings in UAE. American Scientific Research Journal for Engineering, Technology, and Sciences, 74(1), 170–188. Retrieved from


