Impact the Knowledge Gap in the Relationship Between the Repercussions of Armed Conflict and Between of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) An Applied Study in the Yemeni Community Faculties
Knowledge gap, Repercussions Armed Conflict, TVET outputs qualityAbstract
This study aims to determine the extent of the impact of the relationship when the knowledge gap mediates between the ramifications of conflict and outputs quality Technical and Vocational Education and Training TVET, and to verify the implications of the armed conflict directly and indirectly of in TVET outputs quality in Yemen. This study was based on a mixed methodology quantitative and qualitative. The quantitative study sample was taken in a probabilistic way. The sample consists of (615) respondents, including (60) teachers, (66) employees, and (489) students. Exploratory Factor Analysis EFA was performed used SPSS. The was used Program AMOS to perform confirmatory factor analysis CFA, and by the structural equation modeling (SEM) was analyzed the path of relations between the study variables, checking all kinds of validity, and compound reliability. The qualitative study relied on interviews with (15) academics and employees who are affiliated with TVET and They act represent 3 them focus groups. The study concluded the following results: There is a direct negative relationship between the knowledge gap and TVET outputs quality. This relationship decreases when the knowledge gap mediates between the Ramifications of conflict and TVET outputs quality. and this means that the mediator here is a partial mediator. The results of the study also showed a direct positive relationship between the repercussions of armed conflicts and the knowledge gap.
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