Assessment of Relative Humidity Effect on Wind Power for Electricity Production in Al-Samawa City-Southern Iraq
Physics, Renewable energy, Wind energyAbstract
The relative humidity influence on the percentage of loss in annual rates of wind power in Al-Samawa city- Southern Iraq have been assessmented for five years interval (2012-2016) for electricity production object. Data of relative humidity and wind speed, are measured at height of AL-Samawa meteorological Station (11 meters). This data utilized as input to a software computer program which was prepared for this study. The study declare the little reduction in the annual rate of power of moist air. It is noted that the least loss in value occurred at minimum height reached approximately 0.76% at study year 2014, whereas the largest loss at the minimum height reached nearly 0.9% at study year 2015, and the value of loss percentage reduces with height increases. This difference belongs to decrease in air density. The least percentage of air density in 2014 at minimum height reached 0.76% while the largest one reached 0.9% in 2015. Lowering in values of annual rates of density was noted as height increases.
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