Hypoglycemic Effect of Avocado Seed Extract (Persean americana Mill) from Analysis of Oral Glucose Tolerance Test On Rattus norvegicus L.


  • Leo Nardi Master of Biomedical Science, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Prima Indonesia, jl Belanga No. 1 Simpang Ayahanda Medan, North Sumatera
  • I Nyoman Lister Department of Physiology, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Prima Indonesia, jl Belanga No. 1 Simpang Ayahanda, Medan, North Sumatera
  • Ermi Girsang Faculty of Public Health, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Prima Indonesia, jl Belanga No. 1 Simpang Ayahanda, Medan, North Sumatera
  • Edy Fachrial Laboratory of Biomoleculer, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Prima Indonesia, jl Belanga No. 1 Simpang Ayahanda, Medan, North Sumatera


Diabetes mellitus, Persea americana Mill, blood sugar levels, Flavonoids


Due to the many side effects caused by antidiabetic drugs, it is necessary to look for alternative antidiabetic agents that have fewer side effects such as drugs from plant extracts, one of which is Persea americana Mill (Avocado). Ethanol extract from avocado seeds containing polyphenols, tannins, flavonoids, triterpenoids, quinones, monoterpenoids, and sesquiterpenoids. Flavonoids have shown beneficial effects against diabetes mellitus. This research was conducted to determine whether an avocado seed extract has a hypoglycemic effect. The extract concentrations used were 300, 600, 1200 mg/kg BW given orally to experimental animals (Rattus norvegicus L.). Rats were fed a load of 2 g/kg BW sucrose following the treatment. Blood glucose concentrations were then compared to the positive control (Glibenclamid) and the negative control (aquades). Blood glucose levels were measured from the rat’s tail vein using a glucometer at -30,0,30,60,120,240 minutes after the administration of sucrose. All blood sugar levels showed decreases in concentrations following the administration of avocado seed extracts. The highest decrease in blood sugar level was observed at 300 mg/kg BW extract. Although the results of the test showed decreases in blood sugar levels, the differences in blood glucose levels before and after treatments were not found to be significant.


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How to Cite

Nardi, L. ., Lister, I. N. ., Girsang, E. ., & Fachrial, E. . (2020). Hypoglycemic Effect of Avocado Seed Extract (Persean americana Mill) from Analysis of Oral Glucose Tolerance Test On Rattus norvegicus L. American Scientific Research Journal for Engineering, Technology, and Sciences, 65(1), 49–56. Retrieved from https://asrjetsjournal.org/index.php/American_Scientific_Journal/article/view/5635


