Analysis of Protein Content, Spectrophotometry FT-IR, and Antibacterial Effects of Earthworm (Eudriluseugenia)


  • Suandy Master in Biomedical Sciences Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Prima Indonesia, Medan, North Sumatera
  • Ermi Girsang Faculty of Public Health, Universitas Prima Indonesia, Medan, North Sumatera
  • Ali Napiah Nasution Master in Biomedical Sciences Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Prima Indonesia, Medan, North Sumatera
  • I Nyoman Ehrich Lister Master in Biomedical Sciences Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Prima Indonesia, Medan, North Sumatera


Eudrilus eugeniae, coelomic fluid, Ciprofloxacin, Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli


This research to compare effectiveness of coelomic fluid and extract ethanol of Eudriluseugeniae against Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli as antibacterial. Suggest that protein on Eudriluseugeniae have antibacterial activity.Experimental laboratory with analytical statistic Mann- Whitney with following step of research: (1) Determination of earthworm, (2) Cold shock methods modification to get coelomic fluid, (3) Maceration ethanol 70 % of Eudriluseugeniae.(4) Determination protein content with Kjehdahl methods, (5) Identification absorbance infrared by spectrophotometry FT-IR .(7) Antibacterial assay using disc diffusion against Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli.The result of this study showed that protein content of coelomic fluid (1.875 %)were higher than ethanol extract (0.437%) of Eudrilus eugenia. Coelomic liquid had no functional group in the chemical compound. However, the ethanol extract showed some functional group includes aliphatic, ethanol, and Amide A group. The antibacterial effect against Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus from ethanol extract or coelomic liquid of Eudriluseugeniae were similar at equal concentration. It due to p value of analysis was lower than 0.05.Coelomic liquid and ethanol extract had similar antibacterial effects against Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli.


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How to Cite

Suandy, Girsang, E., Nasution, A. N., & Lister, I. N. E. . (2020). Analysis of Protein Content, Spectrophotometry FT-IR, and Antibacterial Effects of Earthworm (Eudriluseugenia). American Scientific Research Journal for Engineering, Technology, and Sciences, 63(1), 94–101. Retrieved from


