Integration Between Lean Manufacturing and Other Quality Tools: A Scale Development
Lean manufacturing, Quality, Integration, Measuring ScalesAbstract
In order to improve organization’s performance, both in quality and productivity, several quality programs were created and implemented, with recent highlight to Lean Manufacturing (LM). All these initiatives are based on the involvement of employees, managers and organizational procedures, and it is expected that there will be some interaction between them. This paper describes the development and validation of a multi-item scale, an instrument which measures how employees perceive the integration between a production system based on the principles of Lean Manufacturing with other quality tools already used in the companies. The method included analyzes related to apparent validity, content validity, total item correlations, factor analysis and reliability. A questionnaire submitted to 317 respondents from a population of 1,699 employees of a metal-mechanic company included a proposed scale of 10 items to evaluate the integration between LM and other quality tools. After the analysis of the data, two questions were excluded because they did not present relevant factor loadings and the other eight questions resulted in two factors (Structure of integration of SP with other tools and Results in integration between SP and other tools). Confirmatory factor analysis confirmed that these factors constituted a model with good fit.
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