A Assessment Model for Electronic Health Management Information Systems Success in a Developing Country Context: A Case of the Greater Bushenyi Districts in Uganda


  • Hussein Muhaise School of Computing and Information Technology, Kampala international University
  • Professor. Johnie Wycliffe Frank Muwanga-Zake Professor, School of Computing and Information Technology, Kampala international University
  • Dr. Margaret Kareyo Senior Lecturer, School of Computing and Information Technology, Kampala international University


Assessment model, eHMIS model, success model, factors influencing eHMIS, developing countries, Greater Bushenyi Districts


Electronic information systems are gradually replacing traditional information systems in most public and private organisations in developing countries. This is motivated by the wide acceptance of use of information technology at almost all levels of Government institutions and private institutions. No matter the trends in the economy the organisations strive to know the investments in information systems (IS) to determine their success because they are often implemented to solve a particular business need or opportunity. Thus imperative to establish the IS effectiveness for every investment in the IS project given the evolution of information technology. This paper aims at examining the DeLone and MacLean model, 2016 for suitability of assessment electronic information systems success in a developing country context looking at the case of Uganda. Guided by the pragmatic thought and a rare abductive research approach which combines inductive and deductive perspectives were used. It utilized the concurrent transformative research designs for data collection.


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How to Cite

Muhaise, H., Muwanga-Zake, P. J. W. F. ., & Kareyo, D. M. . (2019). A Assessment Model for Electronic Health Management Information Systems Success in a Developing Country Context: A Case of the Greater Bushenyi Districts in Uganda. American Scientific Research Journal for Engineering, Technology, and Sciences, 61(1), 167–185. Retrieved from https://asrjetsjournal.org/index.php/American_Scientific_Journal/article/view/5270


