The Effect of Curing Media on Compressive Strength of Microbial Laterite Concrete
Concrete, Bacteria, Laterite, Nutrient Broth, Portland lime cementAbstract
Concrete is widely used in the construction of infrastructures and also, its compressive strength determines the function under the application of load. This research investigated the effect of curing media on compressive strength of microbial laterized concrete. 216 numbers of microbial laterized concrete cubes (150x150x150mm) batched by volume at 1:2:4 and water cement ratio of 0.5 were produced from Portland lime cement, aggregates (fine and coarse), laterite and bacteria (bacillus sp. Ct-5) water. Laterite was added at 0%, 15% and 30% respectively. They were then cured in four curing media; Distilled Water, Bacteria + Nutrient Broth Water, Bacteria Water, and Nutrient Broth Water for 28days. Compressive strength test was carried out at 7, 14, and 28 days respectively and some of the results were recorded as 17.38 kN/m2, 22.00 kN/m2, 22.24 kN/m2 etc. The result shows that the compressive strength 22.24 kN/m2 of concrete produced with zero percent laterite, mixed with bacillus sp. CT-5 water, and cured in nutrient broth + bacteria water was found to be most significant when compared with control and other media test results. It can be concluded that bacillus sp. Ct-5 can be easily cultured and safely used in improving the compressive strength of microbial laterized concrete.
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