Dynamics of Macro Fauna under Conservation and Conventional Agriculture in Maize /Legume Cropping System at Sidama Zone in Southern Ethiopia


  • Dr. Genet Getachew Hawassa Agricultural Research Center, P.O.BOX-06, Hawassa, Ethiopia, Tel. +251910104531, Fax: +251462200084


Ants, Centipedes, Earthworms, intensification, intercropping, legume, maize, termites


Conservation agriculture (CA) is based on three principles of minimum soil disturbance, surface crop residue retention, crop rotations and is one of the available options in southern Ethiopia. CA has been intensively promoted for more than a decade to combat declining soil fertility and to stabilize crop yields. Soil macro fauna have almost the same important role as soil microorganisms in affecting soil characteristics.  However, data regarding the population and the biodiversity of soil macro fauna in Ethiopia are still rare. The objectives of this study were to determine dynamics of macrofauna in conservation agriculture of maize legume cropping system. Research results from Boricha and Locabaya, southern Ethiopia, indicate that load and type of macrofauna dominated CA and increment of macrofauna in number from year to year determined . High percentage of macrofauna in Hawassa (59.9%) in 2014 from plots of maize intercropped with common bean.  From the same treatment in Boricha ,as to that of Hawassa,  during  2014 and 2015,  (108.8%) and (419.6%) were recorded,  respectively. In lockabaya, high percentages 24.3% and 210.5%, were recorded due to  maize intercropped with cowpea in 2014 and 2015 respectively. In Conventional agriculture , total decline of macrofauna observed. it was concluded that CA favors the growth and load of macrofauna which resulted in reduced  soil fertility  and have a large impact on food security.


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How to Cite

Getachew, D. G. . (2020). Dynamics of Macro Fauna under Conservation and Conventional Agriculture in Maize /Legume Cropping System at Sidama Zone in Southern Ethiopia. American Scientific Research Journal for Engineering, Technology, and Sciences, 67(1), 122–130. Retrieved from https://asrjetsjournal.org/index.php/American_Scientific_Journal/article/view/5154


