The Impact of Motivation on the Employees in the Public Service Organisations: A Case of TEVETA, Lusaka, Zambia
Motivation, public service, job satisfaction, improved job performanceAbstract
One of the major problems faced in public service organisations is lack of motivation among public service employees. The objective of this study was to identify ways of motivating public service employees at TEVETA, Lusaka, Zambia. In order to achieve this objective a study was conducted using mixed research method (triangulation approach). Three specific research objectives with three related research questions were formulated. The theoretical framework for the study was premised on the Public Service Motivation (PSM) theory [9] Data for the qualitative research was collected using two focus group discussions and a questionnaire was also administered to collect quantitative data. The population was 68 employees with a sample size of 56 employees. The qualitative data was analysed by adopting a thematic approach. Quantitative data was analysed through the statistical package for social sciences (SPSS) to obtain descriptive statistical information. The two methods were used to help validate and ascertain the reliability of the research findings. The findings indicated that in addition to financial rewards, non-financial rewards were equally important and played a major role in motivating public service employees. The study findings identified several motivating factors, key motivators and also measures that can be used to motivate employees. These factors were classified into two categories, namely intrinsic motivating factors and extrinsic motivating factors. The researcher in this study made conclusions and came up with practical implications of the study as part of the recommendations, in terms of the ways that TEVETA can use to address the problems of low motivation among its employees. Furthermore, suggestions were made on the directions of future research on Public Service Motivation (PSM).
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