Histology Study of Liver Changes Paracetamol-Induced Wistar Rats Treated with Sunkist (Citrus sinensis L. Osbeck) Extract
hepatitis, Citrus sinensis, copper, degenerationAbstract
Unclear and high incidence and prevalence of hepatitis over the world. The peels extract of Citrus sinensis is riched in various phytochemical compound which may have antioxidant effects. This study is aimed to investigae the protection effect of ethanol extract from Citrus sinensis by histologic study of liver tissues in paracetamol-induced wistar rats. This study was using 15 rats which were divided into 5 groups included negative control, positive control, and ethanol extract groups (300 mg/kg b.w; 450 mg/kg b.w; 600 mg/kg b.w), after 14 days the rats was terminated and the liver was process to histology view. The result of this study showed that there was reducing in severity of degeneration following increasing of ethanol extract dosage. Based on the result study, ethanol extract of Citrus sinensis potentially has liver protection against paracetamol at highest dosgae by histology study.
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