Implementation of Global History Branch Prediction Using MicroBlaze Processor


  • Raneen Alaa Ogla Electrical Engineering Technical College, Middle Technical University, Baghdad, Iraq
  • Safaa Sahab Omran Electrical Engineering Technical College, Middle Technical University, Baghdad, Iraq


Pattern History Table (PHT), Branch Predictor (BP), MicroBlaze (MB), Branch Target Address (BTA).


In this paper, using VHDL (Very high speed IC Hardware Description Language) hardware modeling the complete design of a 32-bit MIPS (Microprocessor without Interlocked Pipeline Stages) MicroBlaze processor is presented. The MIPS and top level is designed using (Xilinx vivado Design Suite 2018.1) program. Dynamic branch predictors are common because it can be achieve accurate results in branch prediction without change sequence execution instruction, in order to improve accuracy in branch desired, proposed new active (design ) conditional branch predictor by connected with MicroBlaze processor and select number of entry that appropriate for these techniques by using bimodal dynamic branch predictor. A procedure that performs bimodal executed and the results are discussed this technique provides better prediction accuracy but require more power and complexity increases exponentially in design.


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How to Cite

Alaa Ogla, R., & Sahab Omran, S. (2019). Implementation of Global History Branch Prediction Using MicroBlaze Processor. American Scientific Research Journal for Engineering, Technology, and Sciences, 57(1), 85–96. Retrieved from


