Classification of Breast Cancer Using Data Mining
ANN, Artificial Neural Network, BMI, KDD, k-fold cross validation, PPV, WHO.Abstract
According to the publications of leading health organization in the world, the World Health Organization (WHO) reveals that breast cancer is the most propagated disease among women and it may end with mortality. The precautions and regular investigations are the options for preventing this cancer. Furthermore, the recognition of the sickness may begin at early stages for combating purpose. From data science perspectives, data mining technology is used to uncover the disease according to some parameters like BMI, age and sugar routine database. The deployment of those technologies had resulted in considerable results that may help for breast cancer aid. In this research, Coimbra dataset are collected and studied according to 10 predictors. We used these predictors to estimate if the breast cancer is occurring or not. The 6 algorithms used are compared according to their performance in WEKA and in MATLAB. The comparison is useful to prove the possibility of using Data Mining algorithms to help Medicine decision engine with good precision.
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