Antioxidant and Antifungal Activities of Cocoa Butter (Theobroma cacao), Essential Oil of Syzygium aromaticum and a Combination of Both Extracts against Three Dermatophytes
Antioxidant, antidermatophytic, cocoa butter, cloves, essential oil.Abstract
To contribute in the research of better drugs against dermatophytosis, we evaluated the antioxidant and antidermatophytic activities of cocoa butter, cloves essential oil, and a mixture of both extracts. The cocoa butter was obtained by boiling the cocoa paste. The essential oil extracted by hydrodistillation was chemically analysed by gas chromatography and gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry. The antioxidant activity was determined using the DPPH scavenging method, and the antidermatophytic activity was evaluated using the agar dilution method. The essential oil, majoritary constituated by eugenol (87.62%), ?-caryophyllene (5.88%), and ?-bisabolene (4.41%), had an antiradical power (4.22 x 10-2) higher than that of BHT (4.00 x 10-3), like the cocoa butter and essential oil mixture (6.06 x 10-3). The essential oil was more active than the griseofulvin: it was fungicidal at 400 ppm against Trichophyton rubrum, and at 900 ppm against Microsporum gypseumand Trichophyton tonsurans.
The cocoa butter activity was low, but the mixture with the essential oil had an important activity with inhibitory percentages of 78.69 %, 88.27 %, 91.20% against T. rubrum (at 400 ppm), T. tonsurans(at 900 ppm)and M. gypseum (at 900 ppm)respectively. Cloves essential oil and the mixture with cocoa butter can be used to formulate new drugs against dermatophytes.
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