Simav Sample in Automated Control of Geothermal Heating System


  • Nurullah Kıratlı Simav Faculty of Technology, Dumlupınar University, Simav, Kütahya, TURKEY
  • Şükrü Kitiş Simav Vocational School, Dumlupınar University, Simav, Kütahya, TURKEY
  • Kudret Armağan Simav Vocational School, Dumlupınar University, Simav, Kütahya, TURKEY


Geothermal Energy, Automation, Energy Efficiency, SCADA.


A major part of energy requirement is provided by fossil-based energy product today. New and renewable energy resources are came up because of decrease in current consumable fossil energy resources and environmental problems resulted from some resources.  Among these resources, geothermal energy is the only energy resource that is environment friendly and is used without foreign-dependent. In this study supported by Zafer Development Agency, the control of geothermal energy system by automation was provided in Kutahya, Simav town, which has 25.500 population, and around 90 percent of population utilizes geothermal energy for heating and hot water requirement. A pilot area involving 30 geothermal subscribers, district heating center and main heating control center in 101 Evler District was determined and automation system was installed. Energy, pressure, temperature, and flow values needed by selected geothermal energy subscribers were identified. Electricity expenditure leading of the biggest expenditures in geothermal utilization of Simav Municipality was saved up at the rate of 68 percent by means of automated controlled energy given to system. Meanwhile, efficient utilization of geothermal energy resources was ensured according to Energy Efficiency Law with act numbered 5627, as well. At the end of the result, electricity expenditures for January 2013, February 2013, January 2014, and February 2014 were compared in 101 Evler district chosen as pilot area, and it was detected that the difference between January 2013 and January 2014 is 8.124 TL and the difference between February 2013 and February 2014 is 8.657 TL. Electricity saving of 16.691 TL for only two months shows that automation system was reached to desired goal. 


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How to Cite

Kıratlı, N., Kitiş, Şükrü, & Armağan, K. (2017). Simav Sample in Automated Control of Geothermal Heating System. American Scientific Research Journal for Engineering, Technology, and Sciences, 28(1), 128–136. Retrieved from


