The Analysis of Factors Influence Catfish Seed (Clarias Gariepenus) Production In Wonogiri District


  • Moedjtahid Djoko Pramono Postgraduate Agribusines College Student, Sebelas Maret University, Surakarta, Indonesia
  • Minar Ferichani Faculty of Agriculture, Sebelas Maret University, Surakarta, Indonesia
  • Endang Siti Rahayu Faculty of Agriculture, Sebelas Maret University, Surakarta, Indonesia


Income, efficiency production, the Factors of Hatchery Production.


This research are for: (1) To analysis the cost and income of Catfish hatchery farm in Wonogiri District. (2) To analysis the influence factors of Catfish hatchery production in Wonogiri District. (3) To analysis the efficiency level of feed production, natural food, and labour. The basic method of the research is description analysis method and the conduct of the research is using a census method. This research had conducted in the district of Wonogiri which consists of 45 respondents, analyzed data included hatchery income, R/C ratio, elasticity, efficiency, and multiple linier regression test. The result of the research showed that the relation between factors and hatchery of African Catfish production showed in multiple linier regression model, they are : LnP = 7.472 - 0.047LnX1 + 0.312LnX2 + 0.388LnX3 +  0.304LnX4  +  0.136LnX5  +  0.016LnX6  + 0.108LnD1  +  0.058LnD2.   The result of the analysis showed the number of brood stock, feed, natural food, labour, hatchery technology and counseling which were significant influenced in Catfish hatchery production, meanwhile the land area and hatchery process were not really influences to the Catfish hatchery production. The result of the research had obtained the income of Catfish hatchery with the price of Per rupiahs. 2.369.533,-, value of R/C ratio was 2,67, feed production value, natural food, and labour were >1 which showed inefficient, the elasticity value of all independent variable was elastic.


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How to Cite

Pramono, M. D., Ferichani, M., & Rahayu, E. S. (2017). The Analysis of Factors Influence Catfish Seed (Clarias Gariepenus) Production In Wonogiri District. American Scientific Research Journal for Engineering, Technology, and Sciences, 28(1), 30–48. Retrieved from


