Attainment of Volume Conservative Ability in Primary School Children (A Study of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Pakistan)
Introduction, literature review, Tables, Discussion, conclusion, Recommendation.Abstract
The purpose of this stud was to investigate the volume conservation ability among children of different grades at primary level in Pakistan. The study focused on Piaget’s concept of Volume Conservation and investigated whether the children have the ability to understand the concept or not. Analysis of the responses to the tasks on conservation shows the description of cognitive functioning of children’s mind. If the child is the central character of educational process, this description plays important role in developing early education for the child in primary schools. There was also sufficient ground to conclude that present findings does not indicate that cognitive abilities of KPK (Khyber Pakhtun Khwa) children are in anyway inferior to children anywhere else. The only thing, which KPK (Khyber Pakhtun Khwa) children are lacking, is educational activities suitable to their level of cognitive development.
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