Effect of Organic Manure to Improve Sorghum Productivity in Flood Recession Farming in Yelimane, Western Mali


  • Kalifa Traore Institute of Rural Economy Regional Center of Agronomic Research of Sotuba/Soil-Plant-Water Laboratory, Bamako BP262, Mali
  • Jens B. Aune Noragric Department of International Environment and Development Studies Norwegian University of Life Sciences, P.O. Box 5003, N-1432 Ås, Norway
  • Bouya Traore Institute of Rural Economy Regional Center of Agronomic Research of Gao Program of natural resources management, Gao BP258, Mali


Climate Change, organic manure, flood recession farming, on farm experiments, Crops yields, Mali.


Agriculture is mainly under rain-fed conditions in Mali, while rainfall is very uncertain. Temperatures is increasingly high, which is a major challenge and detrimental to crop growth and development. Therefore, climate risk management in agriculture (rainfed and flood-recession), is among the most important pillars of food security and resilience of agro-ecosystems. The objective of this study was to address flood recession farming system constraints in Yélimané (Kayes) through the implementation of on-farm agronomic trials to improve crops yields, since very few studies were performed and the use of organic matter was new as an agronomic practice in the cropping system. Prior to trials implementation, soils samples were taken and sent to the Soil-Water-Plant Laboratory of Institut d'Economie Rurale (IER) for physico-chemical analyses. The experimental design was a dispersed randomized complete block design with 4 to 6 replications where each farmer was considered as a replication). Soil Physical characteristics (USDA, 1987) were for Gory site clay loam, f Dougoubara site silty and Yaguiné silty clay. Mean organic matter and nitrogen contents in the 3 sites were deficient. Over the 3 years, the treatments receiving manure alone showed a statistically higher yield.

(p = 0.001) than the control (+ 47%) which was the farmer practice. The treatment F7 (18 kg ha-1 of NPK + 500 kg ha-1 of organic manure) gave the highest mean grain yield in 2012, 2013 and 2014, while treatment F0 (0 kg ha-1) gave the lowest mean grain yield. Farmers in Yélimané (46%) argued that they didn't experience organic matter in flood. This information is also valuable for the use of chemical fertilizer because they believe that soils have enough rich nutrients (26% of farmers) because of yearly sediment deposits. 53% of the women prefer to apply their organic manure on their vegetables crops planted in their own garden located around the village and near a water source than in flood plain in which access to land is uncertain for them (15%).

Results obtained can be shared with several NGOs and extension services of the government for up scaling. There is also a need to better analysis women land tenure and the way to improve it since only men decide land allocation in the flood recession zone.


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How to Cite

Traore, K., B. Aune, J., & Traore, B. (2016). Effect of Organic Manure to Improve Sorghum Productivity in Flood Recession Farming in Yelimane, Western Mali. American Scientific Research Journal for Engineering, Technology, and Sciences, 23(1), 232–251. Retrieved from https://asrjetsjournal.org/index.php/American_Scientific_Journal/article/view/1981


