Correlations between Parenting Style and Self-help Skills in Preschool Children (3 – 6 Years Old)


  • I Ketut Putra Health Polytechnic of Palu , Health Ministry of Indonesia.


Parenting Style, Self-Help Skill, Preschool 3- 6 years old.


Background: Early identification that has been done lately at Pembina State Kindergarten determined that 4 out of 7 preschool children were able to do their own activities without depended on their teachers, such as took a pee in the toilet and get their shoes on by themselves; whilst 3 other children seemed less-autonomous. Their parents stated that they rarely involved the children in decision making and let the parents decided. The aim of this study was to investigate the correlations between parenting style and self-help skills in preschool children. This study was analytical research. Populations of this research are 44 children aged 3-6 years old were recruited using purposive sampling and their parents also completed questionnaire assessed. The data were analyzed statistically using Chi-square (? = 0.05). The result of the study determined that authoritative parenting (combination of demanding and responsive parents) could develop self-help skills in 5 of 16 children (11,4%) and 11 of 16 less-autonomous children (25%). Otherwise, authoritarian parenting could develop self-help skills in 22 of 28 children (50%) and 6 of 28 less-autonomous children (13,6%). It is concluded that there are correlations between parenting styles and self-help skills in preschool children. Based on these results, it is suggested for parents to choose the right parenting style, which leads their children to be more active and autonomous. The children should get used to choose by themselves, which games they like or friends they want to play with.


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How to Cite

Putra, I. K. (2016). Correlations between Parenting Style and Self-help Skills in Preschool Children (3 – 6 Years Old). American Scientific Research Journal for Engineering, Technology, and Sciences, 24(1), 10–15. Retrieved from


