The Impact of Microfinance in Rural Households in the Western Region of Ghana
Ghana, Women, Microfinance participation, Female Autonomy, rural household.Abstract
In spite of the growth of microfinance programs by both governmental and non-governmental organizations currently going on in the rural areas of Ghana, there has been little attempt to assess the impact of microfinance at the rural household level. The aim of the study was to evaluate the impact of microfinance on households of women living in the rural communities of Western Region of Ghana. Specifically, the impact assessment was based on the effect of microfinance on: the accumulation of basic household assets such as radio and furniture, female autonomy which can be referred to as female empowerment, and the number of children women have. Data were collected from 384 rural households in the Western Region of Ghana. Using t-test and multiple regression analysis, it was found that microfinance participation increases female autonomy, increases number of household possessions and not contribute directly to reduced family size. The study recommends the continuation and expansion of the provision of microfinance to the women in the Region as it will facilitate the development in the lives of the village women as well as their households.
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