Relationship between the Urinary Bladder Capacity with the Incidence of Urinary Retention in Postpartum Physiological Mother
The Urinary Bladder Capacity, Urinary Retention, Normaly Postpartum.Abstract
The results of Chi-Square test analysis obtained by value Relative Risk (RR) of 2.00; = 95% CI: 1.32 to 3.04 means that the postpartum mothers with normal urinary bladder capacity have 2 times greater risk of experiencing urinary retention than women with urinary bladder capacity less than or equal to 500 ml and p-value value obtained is p = 0.002 (? <0.05).
Conclusion: There is a relationship in urinary bladder capacity at phisiological postpartum mothers with the incidence of urinary retention. Urinary bladder capacity more than 500 ml increased risk of physiologi postpartum 2 times more likely to develop urinary retention. So necessary to measure the residual urine volume in each postpartum mothers regularly to find out sooner their urinary retention after vaginal delivery and management done right and fast.
Background: The period of pregnancy and postpartum lead to changes in the hormonal system. Such changes affect bladder function including increased capacity and decreased muscle tone of the bladder, resulting in bladder muscle hypotonia. On condition of hypotonia, bulging bladder filled up with urine without curiosity urination, other than when the mother completed voiding residual urine that there is still quite a lot. The bladder needs to be emptied every 4-6 hours to avoid overstretching, further complications such as rupture of the bladder, because of urinary retention may occur in less than 24 hours postpartum. Objective: knowing relationship between urinary bladder capacity with urinary retention incidence in postpartum physiological mother.
Methods: The study was observational with cross sectional design. The population were all phisiological postpartum mothers treated in Anutapura Palu hospital. Sampling technique using the simple random sampling with sample size of 36 respondents. The independent variabel were capacity of the urine bladder and dependent variabel was urinary retention. Data were analyzed using Chi-square test (? = 0.05).
Results: The majority of phisiological postpartum mothers have urinary bladder capacity more than 500 ml (61.1%), and 50% of the group experienced urinary retention. There are 38.9% of postpartum mothers having urinary bladder capacity less than or equal to 500 ml and none had urinary retention.
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