Influence of Environmental Variables on Distribution of Wild Goat (Capra Aegagrus), in Iraq by Maxent
Wild goat, Maxent model, and Environmental Variables.Abstract
Wild goat is belonging to bovidae family, genus with species of Capra aegagrus. Wild goats are present in different areas of the Zagros range from north-eastern of Iraq for example the large population is located in the Barzan area, then in Qara Dagh Mountains, and Peramagroon Mountains. Maximum Entropy (Maxent) is a presence-only modeling method with a confirmed attested potential to predict wildlife distribution. The aim of this study is attempted to establish the influences of environmental variables on the distribution of Wild goat (Capra aegagrus) in Iraq by using the maximum entropy method. A total of 13 Wild goat point localities from the whole Iraq were used as a presence data point as main in put to build the species distribution model. The Maxent model predicted potential suitable habitats for Wild goat (Capra aegagrus) with performed of high success rates (AUC Training data=0.973). The environmental variables such as, land cover, altitude, precipitation, and temperature has impact on distribution of wild goat in Iraq. The results of this study can be useful as a tool in executing conservation program and wildlife management plans in the future.
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