Enhancing Big Data Analytics with Artificial Intelligence Innovative Techniques and Applications in Various Sectors


  • Rahul Vadisetty Electrical Engineering,Wayne state university,Detroit, MI, USA


Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, Innovative Techniques


Almost every service industry has been ignored by big data analytics in the last decade. A new trend has also arisen as a result of AI's application to big data analytics; this trend includes distinct types of performance, including marketing, sales, innovation, organisational, financial, and operational kinds. For a better understanding of these performances, it is necessary to thoroughly assess the empirical findings from publications that deal with big data analytics in the services industry. Using this line of thinking, the authors of this study conducted a meta-analysis to draw conclusions about big data analytics and evaluate the potential moderating effect of AI on its effects on service efficiency. Big data analytics penetration is driven mostly by factors including resource availability, competitive pressure, and environmental dynamism, according to the findings. Prior to competences and resources, environmental dynamic has the greatest impact on the outcomes of big data analytics implementation. large data analytics with AI improves service performance more than large data analytics without AI, according to the results.


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How to Cite

Rahul Vadisetty. (2025). Enhancing Big Data Analytics with Artificial Intelligence Innovative Techniques and Applications in Various Sectors. American Scientific Research Journal for Engineering, Technology, and Sciences, 101(1), 1–16. Retrieved from https://asrjetsjournal.org/index.php/American_Scientific_Journal/article/view/11354


