Application of Integrated 2D Total Magnetic Field Model, Electrical Resistivity Sounding Sections to Determine Geophysical Property of Over Burden Deposit and Bed Rock Beneath it a Case Study


  • Birhan Muche Alemie Amhara Water, Energy and Irrigation Bureau, One Wash Pmu, Bahir Dar, Ethiopia


Magnetic susceptibility, Vertical derivative transformation apparent resistivity, True resistivity, total transversal resistance, total longitudinal conductance, bed rock.


One seven hundred eighty meter with ten meter spacing magnetic profile and two vertical electrical sounding using Schlumberger configuration with electrode spacing of AB/2=750m were carried out in TIta ,north east Ethiopia. The field data were smoothened and interpreted using Potent version 4.09 2 January 2007 demo mode for magnetic subsurface model,IX1D Version2.21 April 2015 and ipi2win(2008) for vertical electrical  resistivity sounding inversion softwares. The 2D magnetic field model  ,Geo-electrical section ,total transversal resistance ,longitudinal conductance and apparent resistivity vertical derivative transformation pseudo-section were used to determine the thickness of  the over burden and characterise the bed rock. The 2D magnetic field model indicates 54m thickness of  the over burden in NE part  of section ,13m in the middle section and 34m in SW part of section. The magnetic susceptibility is 0.066SI along width   and -0.0489SI along height. The vertical derivative transformation indicates that from highly to the slightly fracture basalt could be tilt from NE dip to ward SW which has positive correlation with 2D magnetic field model result. The true resistivity section indicates that from highly to slightly fracture basalt could have top depth -51.6m NE part and -101m SW. In addition to total transversal resistance section values have range from 2,500?m2 to 5,000?m2 and longitudinal conductance values are range from 11.8 Siemen to 12.8 Siemen.


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How to Cite

Muche Alemie, B. (2019). Application of Integrated 2D Total Magnetic Field Model, Electrical Resistivity Sounding Sections to Determine Geophysical Property of Over Burden Deposit and Bed Rock Beneath it a Case Study. American Scientific Research Journal for Engineering, Technology, and Sciences, 52(1), 143–161. Retrieved from


