Evaluation of the Agro-Ecological Sustainability of the Banana Production System: The African Food Company Case
Agricultural Sustainability, Agroecosystem, Agroecological Transition, IDEA, Sustainable Development IndexesAbstract
The sustainability of agricultural activity, from production to marketing, has been discussed since the twentieth century until the present day. The present study aimed to evaluate the state of sustainability of the irrigated fruit agroecosystem (banana), as in the case of The African Food Company (TAFC). Exploratory and descriptive methods were used to assess the environmental, economic and social dimension of TAFC's sustainability. It was noticeable that the agroecosystem is environmentally sustainable despite having presented an indicator in a critical state (energy consumption). The economic dimension presented sustainable development indices (SDI S3) ranging from stable to excellent, which suggests that the agroecosystem contributes to the guarantee of its self-sustenance, as well as to the leverage of the local and regional economy. The social dimension presented indices ranging from stable to excellent, with only a low index in the level of education. In short, TAFC has a stable sustainability index, as it presents resilient, productive practices with a level of equity.
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